/////////////// MABBOOST YOUR SEX APPEAL /////

We’ve had very positive feedback about the tees since starting trading two and a bit weeks ago, and the hard work put into making our tees as high quality as possible seems to be paying off with the response being along the lines we’d hoped for; ‘I love it’, ‘t-shirts arrived today, very, very impressed’ etc!

That was until the early hours of this morning when a very excited Mabboo customer (who shall remain unnamed for confidentiality reasons) got in touch to describe in quite graphic detail the new pulling powers his new t-shirt had given him! Here’s how events unfolded for our lucking man:

‘Tee's arrived this morning, went out on the town in the green pixel. Genuinely got hit on by a lingerie model, she came up to ME at the bar…(more salacious details followed which are not suitable for this blog) …what pheromones do you put in these tee's???????'

Now we at Mabboo know how many great qualities our bamboo clothing possesses and we’ve now evaluated these as to how they could’ve helped attract a member of the opposite sex.

The odour resistant properties of our bamboo tees could well be releasing just the right amount of pheromones to reel in that beautiful lady. The super-soft feel of the tees could have meant the first touch was the sweetest, and led to the breaking down of other physical barriers. Maybe it could’ve been the heightened intellectuality that may have been displayed when our customer talked up the eco-credentials and science behind the making of a bamboo tee? It could have been a simple case of the ‘feel-good’ factor of being in a brand spanking new tee sporting a great design, that gave our customer that added air of confidence he needed to get approached by a beauty!

Model featured in Green Pixel is in no way related to this story!

Maybe he just got lucky, but we don’t think it was that simple and believe our Pixel print is now proven to give you heightened sexual powers! At the end of the day Pandas have been seemingly obsessed with the bamboo for thousands of years and if a man and woman can benefit from this new bond with bamboo, fair play to them!

Obviously we’d love to hear from any female customers as to whether the same is true of their experiences of wearing around their Mabboo tee?! Please send any other related stories, photos you may have of how a Mabboost helped you to customerservices@mabboo.com.